Core Values

We will be FAITH-filled, excellence-driven, God-sized vision dreamers.
We will never insult God with small thinking, safe living, and mediocrity. We set impossible goals, do our best, and take bold steps to watch God move. We are generous with our time, finances, and talents.
We will be a generation of HONOR.
We freely give honor to those above us, beside us, and under us because of the calling God’s placed inside of them.
We will do anything short of sin to REACH people who don’t know Christ.
To reach people no one is reaching, we have to do things no one is doing.
We will aggressively promote and protect UNITY and belonging.
The church should be a community of people who love, care for, value, and esteem one another.
We will SACRIFICE things we love for THE ONE we love even more.
It is an honor to sacrifice for Christ and His Church.
We will equip and send out for Kingdom MINISTRY.
The church exists to prepare God’s people for ministry and service.
We will never stop PRAYING.
Through prayer, we acknowledge our need of the help of the Holy Spirit to accomplish God’s good and perfect will for us.
We are and will always be all about JESUS.
Without Jesus, nothing matters. We are all about relationship with Jesus, loving Jesus, obedience to His Word, personal devotion, a lifestyle of worship, and commitment to His cause.